Card file generation tool

Hello guys,

We built a card file generation tool to make generating the 7 card files easier. This is especially useful in view of financial institutions that don’t have the expertise/time to build an a tool that generates the card files. The responsible personnel only needs to spool details that most financial institutions should have as part of KYC to successfully populate the card files.


  1. Python 2.7 must have been properly installed and configured. You can follow this tutorial

To configure the application for card production

  1. Configure the CardProgram wide settings
    1. This settings are done in the file /Configuration/issuerconfig.conf. The values are described below and should each be separated by a , character. Values with the Nullable column set to No must always be populated. The parameters value can be picked up/understood from the standard specification of the postcard interface specification document
      Var name User Config Specification Nullable
      BIN BIN Numeric 6 digits No
      PANLength PAN length Numeric 2 digits No
      cardStatus Card status Numeric 1 digit No
      currency Currency Numeric 3 digits No
      cardProgram Card Program Alphanumeric <=20 characters No
      discretionaryData Discretionary Data Alphanumeric  <=13 characters No
      cardDuration Duration of Card(years) Numeric 1 digit No
      FINAddress Financial Institution address Alphanumeric <=30 characters No
      FINCity Financial Institution city Alphanumeric <=20 characters No
      FINCountry Financial Institution country Alphanumeric 3 characters No
      mailerDest Mailer destination Numeric <=3 digits No
      FINVIPStatus Financial Institution’s default VIP status Numeric <= 3 digits No
  2. Configure Last Card number generated
    1. This settings are done in the file /Configuration/lastcard.conf This file is populated only during the setup of the application with the first card number in the BIN without the luhn digit. Hence, if the BIN is for a 16 Digit PAN, the value in this file is a 15 digit number. An example of the content for a BIN of 506125 with PAN length of 16 will have a file content of 506125000000000. The content of the file is automatically incremented after successful card file generation to show the lard card generated.

To carry out card production

  1. Place the records to be used in the file /Input/customerrecords.txt. The values are described below and should each be separated by a , character. Values with the Nullable column set to No must always be populated. The parameters value can be picked up/understood from the standard specification of the postcard interface specification document
    Var name Parameters Specification Nullable
    accountID Account Number Alphanumeric 28 characters No
    accountType Account type Numeric 2 digits No
    customerID Customer ID Alphanumeric 25 characters Yes
    cardHolderFName Cardholder first name Alphanumeric 20 characters Yes
    cardHolderMName Cardholder middle name Alphanumeric 10 characters Yes
    cardHolderLName Cardholder last name Alphanumeric 20 characters Yes
    nameOnCard Cardholder Name on Card Alphanumeric 26 characters No
    cardHolderAddress Cardholder address(Populated if it will be unique or 1 if FIN address should be used) Alphanumeric 30 characters Yes
    cardHolderCity Card holder city(Populated if it will be unique or 1 if FIN city should be used) Alphanumeric 20 characters Yes
    cardHolderCountry Card holder country(Populated if it will be unique or 1 if FIN country should be used) Alphanumeric 3 characters Yes
    cardHolderVIPStatus Card holder VIP status(Populated if it will be unique or 1 if FIN default value should be used) Numeric <= 3 digits Yes
  2. Run the application from the command prompt by running the command python from the application’s directory. The output of the application are dropped in  /Output/

Github link

3 thoughts on “Card file generation tool

  1. Hello Boss,

    This is very resourceful.

    Please confirm if this has been uploaded on Github and share link.



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